I lived there for one year

I lived there for one year which was fabulous for sleeping in a bit more and saving gas. We ended up mostly eating at Friday and other random chain restaurants and seeing movies for fun ( nothing against movies! Just stressing that I didn do much else). It got boring.

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fake oakley sunglasses Subscribe to USA TODAYAlready a print edition subscriber, but don’t have a login?Activate your digital access.Manage your account settings.My AccountLog OutThe Kroger Marketplace in Oakley opened on September 10, 2015. It’s the largest Kroger in the country and employs nearly 400 people.(Photo: Enquirer file/Liz Dufour)Sagging food prices continued to weigh on the nation’s largest supermarket chain Kroger, which said 2016 profits will fall toward the lower end of expectations.Kroger reported a $391 millionprofit for the third quarter an 8.6 percent drop from the same period last year.Total sales rose 5.9percent to $26.6 billion during the quarter ended Nov. 5, reflecting the acquisition of Milwaukee based Roundy’s in December 2015.Identical store sales excluding fuel barely rose 0.1 percent fake oakley sunglasses.
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